shamanic workshops, retreats, seminars, journeys

Inner Peace

Shamanic teachings allow us to embrace peace of mind

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Mt. Shasta

The Healing Mountain

July 24–28, 2013

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Learn to connect with

yourself • community • nature


Connect with Nature

Shamanic teachings guide us on a path to sustainable harmony with not only all humans, but will each and every plant, animal and spiritual entity that is a part of our world.

Uplift Your Soul

Our programs guide you through the process of uplifting your soul through daily practices and ceremonial experiences. Allow your soul to merge with the universe.

Unify Your Life

Harmony is inherent to nature and thus also intrinsic to shamanism. Part of our life’s journey is to unify the 3 aspects of Body, Heart & Spirit. This unity allows us to function naturally.

Heal the World

Transform your actions in order to bring healing to yourself, your community and all that lives on Earth. In this way, each step you take on the path of life becomes a healing process.

Brant Secunda

Shaman & Healer

For over 35 years, world renowned shaman, healer and traditional ceremonial leader Brant Secunda has been leading programs around the globe. His teachings have helped thousands of people to connect with their inherent power and to walk a path of harmony, unifying soul and body.

Brant studied directly from the indigenous Huichol natives, during an extensive 12-year apprenticeship with Don José Matsuwa, one of Mexico’s most famous healers and ceremonial leaders.

Join one of our programs to inherit the ancient wisdom teachings taught to Brant and to explore the practices of pilgrimage, ceremony and shamanic healing.

About Your Journey

Our various programs strive to harmoniously connect ancient traditions and way of life to the modern world. What we offer through each of our programs is a lasting new perspective on the world and self.

From webinars to 2-week long retreats, we bring ways to connect and foster personal growth at a pace that is right for you. With engaging lectures and participation in traditional ceremonies, you will be able to immerse yourself in true shamanic wisdom.

Learn to live in the present and embrace all of life with long lasting healing and strength. Feel the power of a great supportive community and embrace the ever-growing circle with us.

Link yourself to the simplicity and beauty of the past by immersing yourself in the art, history and culture that have remained true for thousands of years.

  • Spiritual Practices

    Purge yourself of negativity and learn to absorb positive energy from the natural world around you.

  • View Nature in a Whole New Light

    Be able to not just be in nature, but to connect with nature in a way that will allow you to be more aware and conscious of life.

  • Ancient Traditions

    Walk paths and experience ceremonies that have remained true for thousands of years.

  • Shamanic Wisdom

    Gain ancient wisdom teachings that have been passed on for thousands of years.

  • Art & Culture

    Take in the beauty of authentic Huichol artwork, history and dance. Listen to stories of indigenous cosmology, passed down through generations.

  • New Zealand

    The Journey of a Lifetime

  • Alaska

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Types of Programs

“Change starts with You.”

-Brant Secunda

Alaska is a land of such abundance and beauty, and the setting of this wilderness lodge on the Inside Passage is incomparable. Imagine the power of seeing bald eagles every day, of participating in ceremonies while whales frolic nearby, and of taking in the endless light of this season. It seems like a dream, but the blessings I received are very real.

“It was a heart-changing and life-changing experience and completely transformed who I am. It gave me a strength within me, that has allowed me to face any obstacle with a calm centeredness I never felt before.”

“We came to Alaska from the hustle and bustle of our life in Argentina. As soon as we put our feet on this beautiful land our anxiety and everything else faded away. The ceremonies opened our heart and soul like a flower blooming with the unstoppable force of nature. The eagles, the ocean, the glacier, the wisdom from Brant and his teachings and the great feeling of love between everyone…I cannot be more grateful for this amazing time and it will forever be engraved in my heart.”

I’m very grateful to have someone like Brant to help me to deepen my connection to nature. I’m looking forward to the Oct get together in Oct in Santa Cruz.

Call Us Now

For more information about our programs, register for an event, or general inquiries about shamanism, please get in touch. We love to hear from you.

(888) 455-3337

Upcoming Programs

Mt. Shasta July 24–28, 2013
Rhön Aug. 23–28, 2013
Menla Mtn. Sept. 27–29, 2013
Santa Cruz Oct. 18–20, 2013

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