The Art of Chanting
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Chanting can be found in all major religions and spiritual traditions worldwide. The Huichol see the art of chanting as one of the highest and most difficult forms of spiritual practice. The ceremonial shamans are often referred to as the “singing ones.” They utilize the ancient chants to alter reality, both in the spiritual paradigm and in our everyday life, with things such as the weather.
Chanting is one way to alter consciousness and create a link to the divine. Specific tones can help to “open the heart” and shift our mental state into a more peaceful and harmonious phase.

Brant Secunda
Shaman & Healer
Brant Secunda is a shaman, healer, and ceremonial leader in the Huichol Indian tradition of Mexico. He completed a 12-year apprenticeship with Don José Matsuwa, the renowned shaman who passed away in 1990 at the age of 110. Brant Secunda is the adopted grandson of Don José and was chosen by Don José to take his place to help carry on Huichol Shamanism. He is the co-founder of the American Herbalist Guild, and the founder of the Huichol Foundation. Since 1979 Brant Secunda has been the Director of the Dance of the Deer Foundation Center for Shamanic Studies and leads seminars and pilgrimages worldwide. His work has been documented on television, radio, and in articles and books throughout the USA, Europe and Japan. He is the co-author of the award-winning book Fit Soul Fit Body: 9 Keys to a Healthier, Happier You.
Mark Allen